The displayed molecule is rotated or translated using the mouse or
the buttons on the right-hand panel. One can rotate the molecule by
scrolling the mouse with the right mouse button pressed and translate the
molecule in the X and Y directions by pressing the right button + Ctrl. The
right button + Ctrl + Shift moves the molecule in the Z direction. The point
which the molecule rotates around can be specified: menu item
"View/Update rotation center" or button
the rotation point at the coordinate center of selected atoms, or at the
center of the
whole molecule if no atom is selected.
Double-clicking on an atom or a bond shows a dialog box from which
both the type and the label may be edited. Double-right clicking on an atom
or a bond allows visual properties (color, size, etc.) to be edited.
Pressing Ctrl+Numbers 5...0 remembers the current "camera"
position (restored by 5