Tools menu (button at left-bottom corner)

Render molecular orbitals                         Draws the MOs (or natural orbitals, etc) in your molecule for chosen section of the file;

Convert orbitals into input forma            These subitems allow molecular orbitals to be saved in text format, for use in an input file as an initial guess for new computation;

Show MO energies diagram              Shows a diagram of MO energies with arrows;

Show atomic properties table            This item is mostly needed for NMR computations as it shows a list of chemical shielding values or recounted chemical shifts for groups of atoms (in NMR spectroscopy, often rotations of molecular fragments lead to averaging of chemical shifts of exchanged nuclei);

Color atoms by atomic properties     You can color the atoms in your molecule in dependence of e.g. the Milliken charges on them;

Show TD spectrum                          Draws a spectrum for a TDDFT or TDA computation;

Analyze TD spectrum                    Shows some information in text form about the bands in TD spectrum;

Show translation dipole moments vectors    Draws vectors on image according to the data printed for a TDDFT computation. Note that you can combine the transition electric dipole moments vectors with transition magnetic dipole moments vectors (to see the angle between them) via "View/Release all vectors.." menu item;

Show different layers in different display scheme   This item can be useful for ONIOM computation (e.g. QM/MM) to see to which layer each atom in your molecule belongs;

Get displaced geometry         If the file contains energy gradients (forces on nuclei), you can predict a next step for geometry optimization adding these gradients to atomic coordinates;

Show NMR spin-spin coupling constants      Shows a table with these constants.