Political aspects of maintaining and using Chemcraft

Clarifications from the author of Chemcraft program.



Currently I live in Russia, but I don't vote for Putin. I can't strictly write at a public resource, that I am against the Russian war in Ukraine, because such statements are partly forbidden the Russian laws.  

There are many other ways of talking with people in the internet about politics. I often argue at Russian web forums, trying to persuade the Russians to stop voting for Putin, and mostly often I try to convice them that the democracy is good, authoritarianism is bad.

There are many observed correlations between political and other views of people, and these correlations can be used for convincing people. For example, people who support Putin usually deny the global warming; so if somebody proves such people that the global warming is real, these people can, at least theoretically, stop supporting Putin. Another example is the theme of cryptocurrencies: most people with pro-Putin views believe that they are Ponzi schemes, so if we convince them that this is not true, theoretically they can change their political views.

It seems very possible for me, that the Russian society now has something similar to a mass dissociative identity disorder. This is seen, for example, by the fact, that most Russians are not really pro-war: when they vote for Putin, they vote for "stability", not for the war. People in Russia who clearly declare themselves as Z supporters are a minority; for the majority, this is not a war but the "special military operation". The word "war" is partly forbidden in Russian.

One more point is the depressive knowledge that the Western countries have great problems now; and it seems that Russia can not only ruin the world, but also it can save it, because the Russian political bloggers are currently best in the world. Most of then had  been declared as "foreign agents" by the state and had emigrated from Russia, but they are still read or watched by the Russians. The Western people who use to watch only mainstream mass media like CNN or Fox News, do not yet realize that these mass media lie to them (especially CNN), in particular relating the subject of the disappearance of the middle class in the Western society, or the fact that the inflation is a hidden taxation for the poor. Maybe the Russian bloggers can help the countries like USA restore the democracy in them...

If I someday I became a famous developer or scientist, I will use this for spreading my blog for the Russians.

Currently it is too difficult for me to emigrate from Russia, since I am not really rich; and I'd like to ask the Chemcraft users to email to me more often, both about the Chemcraft issues or anything else. I consider myself to be a nerd and like to talk about science, philosophy, politics, etc; I have some knowledge of quantum mechanics and its interpretations, and I try to suggest in the Web an idea of a new science - quantum ethology. So, if I find more people who would like to talk with me about such things, maybe I would find colleagues or friends who will help me leave Russia and settle in a new country.

If my texts are read by some Russian siloviks, I want to add one more point: I popularize the idea “through polygyny to democracy”, or rather, I support the idea that in an era of change, men who contribute to the transition of their country to a democratic form of government should get the right to polygyny. And if I ever become famous, and if a democratization begins in Russia, I will initiate an online referendum in Russia with a proposal to reward people who had helped me, and punish those who harmed me; the reward can include the the right to have many wives for men.


